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DADI Meeting on Gravitational Waves

Two-day informal meeting where VO developers can understand the issues and needs of GW people and where GW people can learn about the VO and get technical support for on-going or future development of VO tools.

(Top level DADI page: WP4: Data Access, Discovery and Interoperability (DADI))


31 May-1 June 2016


Observatoire de Strasbourg, 11 rue de l'Université, Strasbourg, France

Main Topics

  • VOevent/alert and GW
  • Tools to help defining follow-up strategy:
    • Skymap visualization and tiling
    • Galaxy catalogs and usage for prioritization
  • Tutorial on the scientifc usage of the VO



The meeting will begin at 9:00 on 31 May 2016 and likely finish in the afternoon on 1 June 2016. The initial programme was purely indicative and evolved as the meeting progressed. The programme shown below is the final one.

May 31st Salle de Cours

9:00 Welcome

  • Introduction – A few words about ASTERICS ad DADI (Data Access Discovery and Interoperability) (Francoise)pdf
  • Introduction – Scope of the meeting (Eric)
  • Quick recap of the science context : GW observations so far (Eric) pdf

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break

Other tutorials can be found here, in particular one about advanced functionalities in TOPCAT here

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break

  • Multimessenger astrophysics and open science
  • Prospects for joint GW and high-energy EM observations of NS-NS mergers (Barbara) pdf
  • LIGO Open Science Center (Roy - pdf) and Virgo plans (Eric)
  • Follow-up strategies

17:30 Session closes

19:30 Workshop dinner

Jun 1st Salle de réunion coupôle

9:00 Welcome

  • Galaxy catalogs for GW follow-up
  • Gergely Dalya: “The current state of GLADE” pdf
  • Gabor Galgocy: “Planned future development of GLADE”.

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

  • Follow-up strategies
  • Tiling strategies of wide FOV optical telescopes (Shaon)
  • MassBus: virtual observatory for gravitational-wave follow-up (Roy) (pdf)
  • Multimessenger astrophysics and open science

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break

  • VO tools for astronomers
  • The BlackGEM array – needs of VO tools (Steven)
  • Meeting summary. What's next?
  • Small group meetings/Hackathon

16:00 Meeting ends


Name Affiliation Dinner
Barbara Patricelli INFN Pisa
Giuseppe Greco Urbino University, INFN Firenze
Shaon Ghosh Radboud University
Steven Bloemen Radboud University
Zsolt Frei Eötvös University
Peter Raffai Eötvös University
Eric Chassande-Mottin APC CNRS
Philippe Bacon APC CNRS
Roy Williams CalTech
Gergely Dalya Eötvös University
Gabor Galgocy Eötvös University
Dave Morris UEDIN
Francoise Genova CDS Yes
Ada Nebot CDS
Thomas Boch CDS No Not available on 31st afternoon
Gilles Landais CDS No Not available on 31st
Mark Allen CDS Not available on 31st
Pierre Ocvirk CDS As required
Pierre Fernique CDS May 31st
Francois Bonnarel CDS June 1st
open/wp4/wp4gwstrasbourg2016.1464779584.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/01 13:13 by genova