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ASTERICS DADI Technology Forum 2

The Forums enable technology discussion involving the framework developers and ESFRI project staff, to develop technical collaboration and exchange good practice - establishing a European strategy for IVOA and RDA activities

(Top level DADI page: WP4: Data Access and Data Interoperability)


Meeting: 7 & 8 March, 2016


The meeting will be held on the Pollock Halls campus in the Pollock Room in St Leonard's Hall


Please book your own accommodation.

To book campus accommodation, visit the booking page, and quote promotion code: CONF16. This will provide 15% off accommodation at Masson House and Salisbury Green Hotel at Pollock Halls.

There are many other Hotels and Guest Houses in the vicinity of Pollock Halls. More information can be found here and here


A conference dinner will be held Monday evening. This needs to be confirmed as soon as possible so please indicate whether you wish to attend.


Time Title Speaker Materials
Day 1 Monday, March 7th
10:00 Coffee
10:15 Welcome and round table intros Keith / Mark A
10:40 DADI status Françoise DADI Status
11:00 EM follow-up of gravitational wave candidates Giuseppe
11:20 HiPS - Hierarchical Progressive Survey Pierre HiPS
11:40 A&A systems developed for CTA Mathieu A&A for CTA
12:00 Applying A&A to server/client VO scenario Marco A&A Server-client
12:20 Applicable conditions for A&A (web, non web resources, etc.) Marco A&A applicable conditions
12:40 VODML from a VODSL perspective Paul VODSL
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Links between Provenance Data Model prototypeand the IVOA Dataset Metadata data Model Mireille Provenance
14:15 DAL protocols for ESFRI projects / current status Francois / Chaitra
- IVOA DAL context status
- current development at CDS : DataLink integration within Aladin
14:50 Aladin Lite and usage of the MOCServer Thomas MOCServer
15:10 SAMP over HTTPS Mark T tlsamp
15:30 Afternoon tea
15:50 Intro to Hack-a-thon Keith
16:00 Hack-a-thon
17:30 Close
19h Tech Forum Dinner To be held in the Nelson Room, St Leonard's Hall
Day 2 Tuesday, March 8th
09:30 Description and discovery of VizieR resources in VO registries) Sébastien VizieR resource discovery
09:50 Registry Markus
10:50 Coffee
11:10 SODA – what's all the fuss about on the DAL list? Markus
11:30 Madrid School Françoise School2015
11:50 Engaging with major astronomy projects at the next IVOA meeting Mark A
12:10 Discussion : Engagement & IVOA Interop prep
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Hack-a-thon
15:30 Afternoon tea
15:50 Hack-a-thon
17:00 Conclusions Keith / Mark A
17:30 Close
Breakout sessions


1. Provenance data model (Notes author : Mireille)
minutes by Mireille Louys draft to be checked with group.
Francois Bonnarel, Markus Nullmeier, Mireille Louys, Matthieu Servillat, Julien LeFaucheur, Chaitra ( CDS contract)
(i). Which existing generic tools could we re-use?
Prov-N used in the RAVE use-case
Prov Store (Southampton) offers a software suite to handle the entity/activity/agent pattern. It is based on the Prov package in Python that can be used directly. Will be explored further by Luth ( Mathieu, Julien )
(ii). Format for serialising the metadata
Fits- keywords??? extra header
Need for a bundle to wrap all together: data (fits) +Instrument files+ IVOA metadata
(iii). Modeling
- which part to re-use from Obscore
- how to bind IRF , instrument config, etc.
- need for a version tag in the Method metadata
(iv). Usecases to clarify
need for practical use-cases for all projects:
*CTA Julien & Mathieu& Catherine ?
a possible use-case: spectrum reconstruction as UWS service in LUTH.
(v). RAVE / IAP
check with Kristin
Pollux Michèle
SVOM starting the effort(Laurent michel , XMM-High energy physics team, Strasbourg Observatory)
(vi). Questions to discuss
Mireille: how could we disentangle the different layers:
- science use-case: what the scientist needs to see , and provide as input data and parameters
- chain of algorithms : description of methods and params.
- workflow execution : job stalled, job terminated, files in , files out , config , etc.
(vii). Proposed meetings
Wish to have an IVOA tech meeting together :
Paris? Strasbourg? Heidelberg?
difficult to plan before IVOA :may be in June-July?
(viii). IVOA DM session
ask for a provenance DM session at next interop in Cape town:
think about targeting some didactic presentation for the audience :
many newcomers to the VO are expected.
2. HiPS / Registry discussion (Notes author : Pierre)
3. GWsky discussion (Notes author : Giuseppe)
4. ADQL (Notes author : Dave)
5. Rendering plots server-side (Notes author : Mark)
- Discuss options for server-side rendering of plots using topcat/plot2 infrastructure and a web browser with small(?) amounts of javascript Looks like it should be possible to make a start on it without too much difficulty. Mark to have a first go, Stelios may find time for some work on it in future if javascript expertise is required Future progress depends on our other commitments.
- Discuss some technical issues related to auto-completion of ADQL queries.


6. A&A (Notes author : Marco)
7. pgSphere (Notes author : Markus N.)
minutes by Markus Nullmeier, draft to be checked with group.
Dave Morris, Keith Noddle, Markus Nullmeier, Mathieu Servillat, Mike Sipior (via Skype), Paul Harrison, Stefano Zampieri, Stelios Voutsinas (everybody also attended the pgSphere talk at the previous tech forum)
(i). An update on the state of pgSphere
- Markus joined forces with the developers from Moscow, his work on the code was merged by Alexander Korotkov into the master branch of, which is the official pgSphere repository for the time being.
- A new official release of pgSphere is imminent, hopefully in a few weeks at latest. This release will support PostgreSQL releases 9.1 and later (i.e., all supported ones). It also uses the 9.1+ “CREATE EXTENSION pg_sphere;” SQL syntax to activate pgSphere for a database.
- There will be a new home page for the project soon, together with a repository and a mailing list for both users and developers (everyone present accepted the invitation to become a member of this list). Then, a pointer to the new website will be put on the old project page on PgFoundry.
- The Russian developers are still active in further improving the already much faster indexing code (one order of magnitude in the present code base) that was released on Github in 2014 (A. Korotkov: "A new double sorting-based node splitting algorithm for R-tree", Programming and Computer Software 38(3), 109-118).
- The pgSphere documentation explains how to use its spatial indexing, which uses 3d R-trees on the unit sphere.
- If somebody should require commercial support for pgSphere, Postgres Professional ( would certainly be up to the task.
- Extending pgSphere to provide MOC as an additional data type for objects on the surface of the unit sphere (such as circles and polygons that were in pgSphere from the start) was delayed by several other things, but now it has very high priority for Markus. There already exists a concept to do proper (“high-order”) indexing support to accelerate SELECT operations on MOCs to be faster than sequential scan (just by viewing a MOC as a set of numbers), but this requires PostgreSQL core support (written by Alexander Korotkov), which is hopefully going to be accepted for inclusion into PostgreSQL 9.6 (due to be released in 2016).
- Markus plans to add some bits to a 'spatial indexing for RDBMS benchmarks' paper that was actually written by third parties, it is intended to be published for ADASS 2016.
(ii). Installing pgSphere
- compiling the latest official release 1.1.1 from 2010 works only up to PostgreSQL release 9.1, this has created serious problems for at least one of the attendants (a patched version for later PostgreSQL releases is available as , users of Debian 8 (Jessie) may install a packaged version of this as “postgresql-9.4-pgsphere” from
– additional information provided after the session)
- Users of Redhat-based Linux distributions may install pgSphere 1.1.1 for a PostgreSQL from the PostgreSQL Yum Repository as the package “pgsphere95” for PostgreSQL 9.5 / etc.
- Packaging pgSphere for the Debian Linux distribution (which will proliferate into Ubuntu), and also for the PostgreSQL Apt Repository (analogous to the PostgreSQL Yum Repository) is planned for the time after the upcoming pgSphere release
- for pgSphere on Docker see further below.
(iii). pgSphere for DaCHS users
- DaCHS support for the upcoming pgSphere release is under way.
- DaCHS users should not upgrade to pgSphere from just yet.
(iv). Use cases
- image services, a feature that most other spatial database extensions lack
- using the Java taplib libraries for TAP and ADQL to re-use existing Java code
- (potential) replacement of non-PostgreSQL data base systems
(v). pgSphere on Docker
- Dave gave an demonstration of effortlessly running different PostgreSQL releases under Docker.
- Availability of pgSphere for Docker would be of considerable help to several people.
- There is also some activity to provide DaCHS images for Docker.
(vi). Science-based common test cases
- Dave instigated the idea to jointly create a set of common science-based test cases for ADQL, cone search, etc., with known results in VOTable files.
- These would certainly also help pgSphere.
- Markus mentioned – it is unknown if the bugs described there would still show up with the present codebase of pgSphere.
(vii). Emphasising the ASTERICS EDP F&T 2016 as being relevant for all (potential) pgSphere users
8. SODA(Notes author : François)


Program Organising Committee:Keith Noddle, Mark Allen (co-chairs)

Local Organising Committee: Keith Noddle, Nathalie Dupin, Andrew Lawrence

Contact: ktn (at)


Name Affiliation Menu
Andrew Lawrence IfA, Edinburgh
Bob Mann (excused) IfA, Edinburgh n/a
Carlos Rodrigo INTA
Chaitra Suvarna CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Clive Davenhall IfA, Edinburgh n/a
Dave Morris IfA, Edinburgh
François Bonnarel CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Francoise Genova CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Giuliano Taffoni INAF - OATs
Giuseppe Greco Università degli Studi di Urbino and INFN-Firenze n/a
Julien Lefaucheur LUTH / Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
Keith Noddle IfA, Edinburgh V
Marco Molinaro INAF - OATs
Mark Allen CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Mark Holliman IfA, Edinburgh n/a
Mark Taylor University of Bristol V
Markus Demleitner ARI, UHEI, Heidelberg V
Markus Nullmeier ARI, UHEI, Heidelberg V
Mathieu Servillat LUTH / Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
Mike Sipior (excused) ASTRON/LOFAR
Mireille Louys CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Paul Harrison University of Manchester
Pierre Fernique CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Rob van der Meer ASTRON/LOFAR
Sebastien Derriere CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg
Stefano Zampieri
Stelios Voutsinas IfA, Edinburgh
Thomas Boch CDS, Observatoire de Strasbourg

28|24 participants

  • Hot Scottish smoked salmon, lemon, capers & black pepper
  • Supreme of chicken stuffed with haggis in thyme scented whisky cream sauce
  • Drambuie & stem ginger cranachan in a brandy snap basket
  • Filter coffee & petits fours

Vegetarian Starter

  • Sweet & sour vegetable spring roll with a fresh mango salsa

Vegetarian Main

  • Sweet potato, squash & coriander tart with crispy sweet pickled vegetable salad

open/wp4/wp4techforum2.1457660834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/11 02:47 by nullmeier