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DADI/OBELICS A&A face-to-face Meeting

INAF-OATs, Trieste, 29-30/01/2019

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ASTERICS, within the scope of WP4 (DADI) Task 4.3 and WP3 (OBELICS) Task 3.4.2, organizes a face-to-face meeting on the following topics:

  • Authentication&Authorisation
  • Single Sign-On
  • Group Authorisation/Group Management systems
  • Workflow development
  • their relation with the development/upgrade within IVOA standards


Registration handling is done through the ASTRON provided indico platform. Here you can find the (sibling)meeting page and the registration form.

Fur further info contact: marco (dot) molinaro (at) inaf (dot) it.


Final agenda, reflecting the actual schedule for talks and discussions held.

Tuesday 29.01.2019
10:00 Get-together & have some coffee
10:30 Welcome & logistics
10:45 Participants round-the-table introductions
11:00 Meeting format description
11:15 Session 1
Brian Major Authentication&Authorization at the CADC PDF
Markus Demleitner VOSI, A&A, and the real world PDF
12:30 lunch
13:30 Session 2
Patrick Dowler Authentication Requirements and Use in IVOA Services PDF
Mark Taylor GUI application client perspective PDF
Franco Tinarelli RAP authenticator application demo notes-here
15:30 break
16:00 Session 3
General discussion (chair: Dave Morris) notes-here
data behind authentication
labeling data resources for authenticated access
commercial cloud solutions and drawbacks
authenticator solutions, certificates, delegation, proxy modules
18:00 day 1 sessions closure
(19:30) Working Dinner (Hostaria Malcanton) community & networking
Wednesday 30.01.2019
09:00 Session 4
Vincenzo Forchì Data publishing at ESO: How to publish protected astronomical data via VO protocols? PDF
Sara Bertocco A possible model for SKA Regional Centers interoperability PDF
Peter Hague Applications of STOA workflow management in Astronomy PDF
Andrea Bignamini Athentication and User Management in Yabi workflows (TBC) PDF
10:30 break
11:00 Session 5
Matthew Viljoen EGI AAI community solutions pdf
General discussion (chair: Morris/Molinaro) notes
TAP-1.1 Authenticated endpoints
ADQL-2.1 (& DALI) REGION xtype
12:30 lunch
13:30 Session 6
General discussion (chair: Dave Morris) notes
Credential Delegation
Centralised authentication solution
15:00 break
15:30 Session 7
Final remarks, summary and general discussion
16:30 wrap-up & conclusion
17:00 end of the meeting


Participants list can be found here.

Venue - Logistics - Accomodation

The meeting will be held at the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste:

(Villa Bazzoni building)
Via Riccardo Bazzoni, 2
34124 Trieste (TS), Italy

Access Information

To/From the Trieste Airport there are three possible means of transportation to reach Trieste:

  • NEW by train. Check schedule (and price, but basic fare is 4.15€) on Trenitalia: *from* Trieste Airport *to* Trieste Centrale (or vice versa). Train platform is at the end of the overpass walkway when you exit the terminal. You can purchase the ticket online or at the vending machine at the terminal or at the platform.
  • local APT bus 51, runs about every 30', 4.15€ one way. Bus stop is middle way of the overpass, tickets can be purchased at a vending machine on the right of the arrivals exit doors inside the airport building. Pay attention: check the destination to be Trieste, not Udine or other!
  • Science Bus shuttle service, about 25€ each way. The driver will wait you at the arrivals exit. You can book it by yourself, it can drop you at your hotel or preferred location in Trieste.
  • GoOpti shuttle service, price varies from 9€ up to 40€ depending on your choice of schedule and sharing.
  • taxi, about 50€ each way

Please arrange your own hotel accommodation. The Observatory is nearby Trieste city center, walking distance (uphill) from it.

A MAP with some hotels and some logistics is available HERE to have an idea of the local transport and accomodation locations.

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open/wp4/authnauthzf2f.1549382451.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/05 17:00 by molinaro