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DADI/OBELICS A&A face-to-face Meeting

INAF-OATs, Trieste, 29-30/01/2019

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General report from contributions

Here follows a general report from presentations and Q&A time following them.

Day 1 Open Discussion

First day open discussion report. This mainly touched the following topics:

  • data behind authentication
  • labeling data resources for authenticated access
  • commercial cloud solutions and drawbacks
  • authenticator solutions, certificates, delegation, proxy modules

Day 2 Morning Discussion

The second day morning discussion was devoted to two specific issues:

  • TAP-1.1 Authenticated endpoints
  • ADQL-2.1 (& DALI) REGION xtype

Day 2 Afternoon Discussion

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open/wp4/aandanotes.1549396401.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/05 20:53 by molinaro